
All Asian CW Contest

This weekend I could not make any activation and so, I spent a couple of hours at friday night at the All Asian CW Contest, which is a superb chance of working rare asiatic countries. Unfortunately, the propagation was not at its best, and I could only work some unusual stations from Laos, Vietnam, Singapoore and China PR. 
Most active calls were from Assiatic Russia and some of the southern new republics. Not enough to reach a good result, being with just the G5RV and 100 watts. Signals were only a bit stronger on the 20m band, so finally I decided to apply as SO 20M LOW.


2015 SOTA Eguna at Atxabal

Last sunday June 15th we the EA2 SOTA'ers celebrated the II EA2 SOTA Eguna (day) at mount Atxabal EA2/VI-040. There, 24 activators from the EA2 territories met for a joint activation using the special callsign EG2UNA followed later by a lunch at the near Oroko Andra Mari Sanctuary. A day full of SOTA activity, meeting old and new friends.

All the information at sotaeguna2015.blogspot.com


June 6 & 7, pre EA2 SOTA Eguna frenetic activity

Last weekend was the previous one to the 2015 EA2 SOTA Day (Eguna in basque language) and EA2 activators had programmed as many activations as possible following this year novelty, the 2015 EA2 SOTA Eguna Award. This is a new activity, chasers oriented, and they must work at least one third of the activated EA2 summits, plus the special call EG2UNA which will be on the air next suday 2015-06-06 from Atxabal EA2/VI-040. There, most of the EA2 activators will meet for a joint activation, and later enjoy a lunch (basque-style) at the near restaurant of Sanctuary of  Oro.


ED2A at CQ WPX CW 2015

This weekend I left SOTA activity for working the CQ WPX CW contest, after 25 years without taking part on it. I used a G5RV Junior dipole (SW-NE oriented) covering from 7 to 28 Mhz and 100w at home. It is not a contest station, really, but enough to have some fun taking part in the "voragine" of a contest.