
SOTA 2014, to summarize

Well, It's time for 2014 to go. This last date uses to be a good one to look back and see the big picture.Having started my SOTA activity on the late 2013, 2014 has been the first full year I've dedicated to this hobby (hobbies must be said, as radio and hiking came together).

61 activations from EA2, EA1 and F/PO Associations, 2713 QSOs, 49 DXCC worked and a handful of nice EU-VK SOTA to SOTA QSOs made this year deserve the time and energy invested. (Thank you, Ian VK5CZ)

EA2/BI-061 Tontorramendi, last 2014 activation

Today I had again the pleasure of making a new activation with my fellow friend Marcial EA2BDS. It was Tontorramendi EA2/BI-061, a low summit just on the border between Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, very close to the coast and near the fisher village of Ondarroa.



Como hay gente que se queja de que toda la documentación del diploma SOTA esta en inglés, y esto puede ser un impedimento grave para algunos a la hora de participar, he creado una nueva pagina , http://ea2sota.wordpress.com donde intentare ir traduciendo algunos de los contenidos que considero interesantes para los participantes actuales o futuros en el programa SOTA.

New address of the Euskal Herriko Mendiak Award "mendiak.eus"

Once the first level domain name (TLD) .EUS has been agreeded by IANA for web sites from the Basque Country, our site has been migrated to the new address: http://www.mendiak.eus

From now, the contact e-mail address will also change to mendiak@mendiak.eus. So, please update your bookmarks! 

A "news" section, and a new link from every summit to its MENDIKAT http://www.mendikat.net info page have been added as well. This web site is one of the best I've ever seen about mountaineering, although it has only information about basque summits and some other iberian mountains. 

The links between every summit and its mendikat reference was a hard work made by Marcial EA2BDS. 

73 and good SOTAs de Mikel! 
Euskal Herriko Mendiak - Mountains of the Basque Country 


Propuesta modificacion catalogo SOTA EA2

Bueno, despues de unas semanitas de trabajo, ya está listo el borrador de los cambios propuestos al catalogo SOTA de cumbres de la asociacion EA2, regiones BI, VI, NA, y SS.

Se lo he remitido ya a los managers de la asociacion, Iñaki EA2CTB e Iñaki EA2CIA, para su revision, y si asi lo estiman, remision al MT de SOTA para la modificacion del catalogo.