I will try to resume and explain here some tips for achieving a successful SOTA CW HF operation. Some of them are sooo ovbious that can be easily forgotten. Others come from my own experience along about 275 activations, almost all of them including CW operation. And remember, any activation will be easier if you carry: antenna, transceiver, charged battery, keyer, notebook and pen(cil)! ;-)
Almost all the information here can be applied for any kind of SOTA activation, no matter if it is on VHF or HF SSB/Data.
As in any SOTA activation, there are common factors to have in mind. These are some of them:
Before activation starts:
- Planning, planning, planning! About trip, hiking path(s), timings, daylight time of the year, wheather, Activation Zone, phone coverage, V/U repeaters, DMR, etc.
- Before starting the trip, at home, check that you have all your radio items, rig, antenna(s), connectors compatibility, batteries (charged), mic, keyer, notebook, pencil, mobile phone, compass, GPS, whatever. Try to make & use a checklist.
- Check carefully the weather forecast, that will lead you to choose the appropriated clothes, shelter, etc.
- The same for non-radio equipment: the ten essentials, food, water, backup clothes, shelter, etc.
- Then, with all that information, put an alert on SOTAWATCH. Putting this alert, the RBNhole system will spot you automatically during your activation in any CW frequency you are, and on an interval of -1 to +3 hours of your alerting time.
- If you are part of any activators community (e-mail, social
networks,...), keep them informed of your plans. So do it with family
and/or friends. Try to keep your phone GPS activated, it will help to locate you in an emergency.

Once on the activation itself:
Keep always in mind that a SOTA activation is defined by some particular factors. Your security is the key one. Daylight, weather conditions, your physic capabilities must always define how the activation will be. Don't feel forced to operate on any mode, band, time, duration, etc. The arrival time and duration of an activation are just an estimation, not a signed contract. Weather conditions can change, or daylight be sort, so always make the activation fit your security. All this said, begin activating!
Prepare yor antenna, radio and any needed accesories ready to operate.
Try to put the best possible signal on the air (antenna, power, etc) This will help to be better heard and understood (in case you make QSY, QRT, call for partial callsigns, etc.) Make your calcs concerning power used vs battery duration to achieve it.
Once all ready, spot yourself on SOTAWATCH (if possible). Otherwise, you have the choice of transmitting it on a V/U repeater, and/or ask to be spotted. You can also make it via SMS or APRS. Check them all if necessary. (Remember you have already planned it!)
Make a first CQ call, long enough to be detected by RBNhole. Include the summit reference on it. This is specially important in case you've been not able to spot yourself in the traditional way. RBNhole will use your previous sotawatch alert to "migrate" and insert automatically this information to sotawatch as a spot.
When the QSOs begin, try to keep yourself calm. The pile-up behaviour will be a reflection of yours. If you cannot copy a full callsign, you can ask for partial calls too. But always calm and relaxed. Chasers are at home, not under heavy rain or winds!
Don't use a very high speed, your signal probably will not be very strong, and you must be clear and steady. 20-25 wpm will be more than enough. This is not a contest and your goal is making as many QSOs as possible, but 4 are enough.
Try to adapt your speed -if your rig allows it easily while making the QSO- to the correspondent's. If you cannot, leave longer spaces between the characters to make your transmission easier to be copied (Farnsworth timing)
Mantain a constant rythm , i.e. always end your QSO with: [callsign] TU 73 DE [yourcall] K. This will help the chasers to follow your operating style, and make more and faster Qs.
Never answer "out-of-turn" callers. If you call f.i. "AB1?", never answer a "BC2..." op. This will make the pile-up uncontrollable. Keep on calling "AB1?" until being answered, or start it again making a short CQ, calling "QRZ?", or so.
Think before answering "tail-enders". Otherwise, the chasers will keep calling long time after your call.
Try to listen a bit out of your transmitting frequency, say 50-100 Hz up or down. This makes your callers spread a bit, your frequency will be more clear, and you will be able to listen different tones easier.The chasers will be soon aware of this technique and use it. Better for you all.
Try also to keep your chasers informed in case you must stop (QRX) your operation to change something (antenna, links, batteries), troubles with the wheater, falling elements, eating or drinking, explanations to visitors on the summit... Don't dissapear from the air without any explanation (if you can, of course).
Keep sending spots when you change the band or mode in the way already explained
Depending on how many people is calling you, repeat your callsign and summit reference acordingly. Sometimes two different activators can be on the same frequency, or your summit being spotted wrong. It could be done every 3 QSOs (if only a few are calling) or every 10-12 calls. If you control the pile-up right, up to 2-3 Qs per minute can be done.
Once the number of chasers decreases, think on making several more calls and make QSY, but try to stay on the band at least for 10 minutes. Chasers not always are instantly ready to answer you once the spot is sent. Some QRP chasers also use to wait until the bigger stations end to call you. Give them a chance to work you as well.
Keep Always In Mind: How long you can remain operating depends on your safety, weather conditions, temperature, estimated time to go back to the car, physical condition, etc. Your are taking all the risks, so you, and only you, decide it!
Try to follow the same habits along all your activations. The chasers will know & use them for working you. For example, start on 20m, then 30m, later on 40m, etc. Use the same freqs around the most used on SOTA activations (could be 14.063, 10.119, 7.034, etc). It will also gives clues to the chasers about when and where to find you, resulting on a successful operation.
And remember: a failed activation is always better than a risky one. The mountain will be always there for you to come back again. If you are still alive, of course!
All this information is based on my own experience, and probably I forgot and left some important aspects out. So please, don't hesitate to contact me and I shall include them ASAP. Don't forget that english is not my mother language so please, forgive my mistakes.Thank you.
73 de Mikel EA2CW
ea2cw /at\ gautxori /dot\ com