
2015.03.18 Unbe EA2/BI-076

Tomorrow thursday we celebrate St. Joseph day (Father's day as well) and we'll have 4 days free. But unfortunately, some showers are forecasted for these next four days. 

So although thurdays are not the best days for making SOTA in the afternoon, I called Marcial to propose him a short activation of the near and almost drive in summit of Unbe Mendi EA2/BI-076.

We have been having a strong Sun activity from tuesday, with auroras being displayed, and strange bands conditions, but anyway, Marcial agreeded soon, and just 1 hour later (around 16:30 EA or 15:30z) we were on the road.

Once at the summit, we both set up our antennas (norcal doublets) and 817's ready to start the game. Marcial on 10mhz and me on 14mhz

As expected, there were weird conditions, with strong QSB which sometimes became totally closed bands. We both noticed too a high level of QRN on all the bands (about 6-8) which could be also a consequence of the Solar flare. 

However, we succeded in validating the summit (not points as it was our 2nd activation this year) and making QSO with several USA colleagues, plus some S2S QSOs, including Ignacio EA2BD who was so kind to be waiting for us at EA2/NV-089 (Lakarri) 

We were able to see the small statue at the summit which was decorated by Antonio EC2AG, I think two weeks ago, with a little SOTA flag, which still remains. And of course, the nice landscapes at sunset, not an usual thing for us.

Enough to calm the SOTA fever for a while, I guess...